Welcome to kurtmorgan.com!

Welcome to kurtmorgan.com!

Hurry, Hurry! Step right up and WELCOME to kurtmorgan.com!!


I am beyond excited to finally have a place to showcase my creative and educational ventures with all of you!  Many thanks to the good people at REWARD MUSIC for giving me and all of us the space here to connect!  I am sure the vast majority of you are well aware of many of the challenges that the Arts have faced over the last year, so I feel no need to repeat the obvious here but rather to thank you and welcome you all for checking out this little space that I have carved out for me and for the people that are interested in some of the things that I do.  THANK YOU! 

I suppose I have always felt like an outsider of some kind and have always had this affinity for hanging out with the "weirdos".  I never wanted to be boring and weirdos are never boring.  I like the underdogs and even though I have somehow managed to Forrest Gump my way through some kind of magical career so far, I suppose that feeling of being some kind of weirdo-underdog has been something I have never quite been able to shake.  

This is a place for me to spread my eccentric wings and to make the kinds of music and art that I have always dreamed of making.  It is also a place for me to welcome other fellow misfits, miscreants, ne'er-do-wells, scallawags, freaks, geeks, nerds, and anyone who feels out of place because they might not speak as loud as the people who pursue and attain a lot of popularity.  I need to hear from you.

As trends, memes, and ideas seem to go in and out of fashion in nanoseconds, many of us sit back and scratch our heads wondering if we will ever get a chance to realize our potential or to have our unpopular opinions and tastes be heard.  Sometimes it just feels like "What is the point?"; at least these are admittedly some of the feelings that I have had since the world shut down back in March. 

The whole idea of the value of music (and art in general) was completely turned on its head for me.  I felt the call to action from my friends but had no gas in the tank to produce what I knew I had to produce- the gas (and income) being replaced with vaporous uncertainty and anxiety, a consistent touring schedule being replaced with a whole lot of "Holy shit, what am I gonna do?!".  Those feelings don't immediately seem conducive to being creative but as I was eventually reminded, they often get converted to the very fuel we believe we lost if we make an effort to calm ourselves enough to listen to what the feelings are trying to tell us. 

Looking back now on all of that uncertainty and discomfort I felt, I realize that all of it was leading toward this.  I had to build a space for myself before I could invite people over.  I had to remember the value that I know has always been there but that I somehow doubted and forgot.  I had to accept the situation for what it was so that I could have some chance of knowing what I could do about it.  And here I am now, opening myself up to all of you on my own website, writing my first blog in my own voice and saying FUCK if I want to. 




At this moment in time, the uncertainty feels like potential to me; the un-manifested collection of ALL possibilities- not just the shitty ones. Within that lies hope and creativity and love and healing and all that good stuff.  Let's go there.  


Thanks for listening!  






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Kimchi Boyo

It's been Fucked this whole year, this is a bright spot, Maestro!

Kurt M.

Thank you for the kindness and support, Kimchi!  I adore how your flavor improves as you ferment and how your spice clears my sinuses! All my best to you and the family!

Damon g.

Fuck is a great place to start. ‍♂️

Kurt M.

It just seemed to capture the feeling more efficiently than any other word!  ;)  Thanks for checking out my Freak Show!